For example, if you have a single SSD or SATA drive setup, your primary drive will show as DISK 0 and USB drive as DISK 1. In the above command, change DISK 2 with the number assigned to your USB Drive.

Next, type the following command to select your drive: SEL DISK 2.In this case, the USB drive is listed as Disk 2. You can look at the Size column to determine your USB drive. Next, type the following command to list all the available storage devices: LIST DISK.In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and hit enter to launch the Windows Diskpart utility.Click the Start button to initiate the bootable drive creating process.Make sure the Quick format and Create extended label and icon files option is checked.Leave the File system and Cluster size, and other options as default.Under Volume label, enter a name for your USB flash drive.Leave the Partition scheme (GPT) and Target system (UEFI) as default.This will skip the system requirement during install. Alternatively, select Extended Windows 11 Installation (no TPM / no Secure Boot) to create a bootable drive for an unsupported system.Click the drop-down under the Image option and select Standard Windows 11 Installation (TPM 2.0 + Secure Boot).Select the Windows ISO file and click Open.Click the drop-down for Boot selection and select Disk or ISO image.Connect your USB flash drive to your PC and wait for Rufus to detect and show it under the Device section.Run the executable file and click Yes if prompted by UAC.Click on the Rufus link to download the latest version.Visit the Rufus website and scroll down to the Download section.After that, you can use the Windows 11 bootable drive to install the OS on a compatible system. Once done, Rufus will show a success message. Follow these steps to create a Windows 11 USB drive using Rufus. Rufus is an open-source utility to format and create a bootable USB flash drive for the Windows operating system. Once you have the ISO file downloaded, follow one of the methods below to create a Windows 11 bootable USB drive. However, it may take some time to finish downloading, depending on your Internet speed. When the download section loads, click the 64-bit Download button.Click the drop-down for Choose one and select your preferred language. The current page will load additional information and show the Select the product language section.Then, click on the Download button to continue.Click the drop-down menu and select Windows 11.Scroll down to the Download Windows 11 Disk Image (ISO) section.Visit Microsoft’s official page to download Windows 11.Here's how to download the Windows 11 ISO to your PC: As such, it's a good idea to get this sorted before moving on to the three ways to create a Windows 11 USB stick. To successfully create a Windows 11 USB bootable drive, you will need a Windows 11 ISO file also known as an ISO image.