You'll have to run a check-point race, but after, you'll be able to purchase the car from her. When you go to find Eva the mechanic, she will have you test drive the car she has been working on. Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left - Reset all factions to neutral Mercenaries 2: World in Flames tips Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right - Infinite Health Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left - Infinite Ammo Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up - Full Fuel After you correctly enter a code a sound should play to confirm that you did it correctly. ** Executable by either player during co-op, only affects the player who executed it. If a client joins a game where the host has unlocked it, both players will have access to it. * When executed by either player during co-op, activates for both players. Right, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up ** Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Left, Up ** Now return to the PDA and enter as many of the below codes as you'd like using the directional pad on the controller. Once Cheat Mode is activated, exit the PDA and accept the on-screen message. To enter a cheat code, first activate your PDA while in the game, and next enter the "Cheat Mode On" code below. If a client joins a game, they have access as well) Up Left Down Right Up - Unlock Grapping Hook (When executed by either player, activates for both players. Up Right Down Left Up - Unlock All Costumes(Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it) If a client joins a game with an invincible host the client is made invincible as well) Up Down Left Down Right Right - Invincibility activates for both players. Up Down Left Right Left Left - Infinite Ammo (Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it) Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right - Give Nuke (25) (Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it) Up Down Left Right Right Left - Give All Vehicles(25 each) (Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it)

Left Right Right Left Up Up Left Up - Give All Supplies (Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it) Right Left Down Up Right Left Down Up - Give All Airstrikes (except nuke) (Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it) Up Up Up Down Down Down - Fill Fuel (Executable by either player, only affects the player who executed it)